Bridging Distances for Better Health
Patients for Patients empowers patients to seek out second opinions and optimal treatment for serious medical illnesses by funding a portion of the travel expenses.
Our Mission
The goal of Patients for Patients is to educate and empower patients and their caregivers to obtain the correct diagnosis and best treatment for their serious medical illness and to fund a portion of their non-emergency travel costs.
Empowering Patients and Caregivers
Just as the right treatment might be a journey away, understanding and navigating the healthcare system is a journey in itself. At Patients for Patients, we're dedicated to providing comprehensive information and expert guidance to help you find the best path to your treatment.
Financial Support for Travel
We understand that the path to the right treatment might require travel. Patients for Patients is here to fund a portion of this journey within the United States, making it easier for you to access the care you need.
Make a Donation Today
Your donation will help patients with travel costs that may have otherwise hindered them from receiving the best possible diagnosis and care.
We thank you for your support.
Our Reason
Patients for Patients was first conceptualized by Lorin Miller, a cancer patient who, with the help of his family and friends, sought out a second opinion for his illness and traveled to receive the best possible care he could find, which radically changed the course of his illness and treatment.
This organization was launched after his passing and continues in his memory.